Black seed oil is not new to the health and wellness scene! It has been a part of dietary and medicinal cultures for thousands of years! This highly beneficial therapeutic oil comes from the small seeds of the Nigella sativa plant, also known as black cumin. In ancient times, the black cumin seeds were used as an appetizing addition to savory foods, and were found to be beneficial as a remedy for headaches, fevers, digestion issues, respiratory conditions, skin and hair conditions, and much more!
Today, scientists and researchers are very interested in Nigella sativa, seeking more understanding of its wide range of benefits to the human body! To date, it has been show that black seed oil, and specifically the main natural chemical, Thymoquinone, is antibacterial, even against resistant bacteria strains, as well as antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory. Black seed oil contains vitamins, minerals and 8 essential amino acids that have an overall benefit on wellness.