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Article at a Glance:


1.Black Seed Oil may improve your health, your immune system, and support your energy. It's simply great for your Health and Wellbeing. 

2.There are seven things you must need to consider when buying Black Seed Oil. 

3. How do you select the best Black Seed Oil? Read on to learn more about those tips.

You’ve been looking for supplements to improve your health, support your energy, your immune system, and build your strength, all a sudden you remember hearing or reading about this new miracle seed oil called Black Seed Oil. 

You may have already started looking online or in your health food stores to find it. 

You find a confusing array of brands on the shelf or online, advertising a wide range of prices, recommended dosages, and information on the labels telling you why you should buy their product. So, how do you select the BEST brand of Black Seed Oill?  

According to Ed Sexton, founder, and president of Mother Nature Organics:

“Black seed oil is not the new kid on the block! The reality is, it has been around for thousands of years, used in Ayurvedic and Asian cultures as a seasoning and a medicinal. This oil comes from the black cumin seed, which is used as one of the aromatic spices in curry powder".

"This oil comes packed with amazing benefits as well. From supporting the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems to improving the condition of our hair, skin, and nails, the black seed oil is simply great for our health and well-being!”

Here, Ed helps us sort through the mountain of information to focus on the seven things you absolutely must know when selecting the Best Black Seed Oil.

1. Is the product labeled USDA Organic?

When a product is marked USDA Organic on the label, it means that you can be sure that the ingredients have been grown in soil that has had no prohibitive substances applied, such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, for at least 3 years prior to harvest. 

All applied substances must be approved according to the standard set that has examined their effects on human health and the environment. 

You can also be sure that the ingredients are non-GMO, meaning none of the contents have been grown or processed using genetically modified organisms.

When a product is sold with USDA Organic on the label, it means that it has at least 95% certified organic content. 

2. Where Was The Product Sourced?

Knowing where your Black Seed Oil was sourced provides important information on the potency and quality of your supplement.

Some countries do not require the quality standards for growing, harvesting, and processing ingredients, nor do they test their products, so they could range from ineffective to contaminated!

Ed Sexton adds, "A Certificate of Origin is required on international exported products, stating that the goods being exported in a shipment have been completely produced, manufactured, or processed in a particular country. 

At Mother Nature Organics, our black seed oil comes from small-batch organic farms in India and Turkey and is rigorously inspected for quality and purity, which means you get the best black seed oil benefits.”

3. Has The Product Been Third-Party Tested?

Third-party testing means that the company has sent their product to an unbiased lab that is not part of their own company.

This lab tests the product to see if it meets the standards that the company advertises, ensuring that what is on the label is in the product.

Manufacturers who do not practice third-party testing may be selling products that are not as advertised as far as effectiveness due to using cheaper ingredients or fillers, or by sourcing their ingredients from countries where quality standards are not as rigorous.

Third-party testing also ensures that any inaccuracies in a product are discovered before the product is sold.

“For example" - explains Ed -  “Mother Nature Organics has each batch processed tested by a third-party lab to verify the quality of the product. The lab certifies that the batch is suitable through a certificate of analysis".

4. What Is The Color of The Black Seed Oil Product?

One good way to tell if you are getting a high potency black seed oil product is to look at the color of the oil or capsule. The main active compound in black seed oil is Thymoquinone (TQ).

"When black seed oil is high in TQ it will have a dark golden yellow color. Light-colored or pale color black seed oil may have a low percentage of TQ or may have been diluted with a carrier oil, resulting in lower potency and reduced effectiveness"

When purchasing black seed oil in capsule form, make sure the capsules are filled with liquid oil, and not paste or powder in order to receive the maximum potency.

5. How was The Oil Harvested and Processed? Is it Cold-Pressed?

Black seed oil comes from the cumin (Nigella sativa) plant.

When harvested, factories use a variety of methods to extract the oil from the seeds. Some factories heat the seeds and press them more than once, hoping to extract more oil for their financial gain.

By the second pressing, the seeds are burning hot, and emit more chemicals into the oil that lower the quality and potency.

The best processing method is making cold-pressed black seed oil, which means slowly pressing the seeds at a temperature never greater than 104F(+40C).

The seeds are pressed only once, extracting the purest oil, and ensuring that the potency and quality are the very highest.

This process is slower, and more costly in time and wear on machinery, but well worth the effectiveness of the black seed oil that you buy!

“Another practice of conscientious manufacturers,” adds Ed, “is processing black seed oil in small batches, which makes quality control even more accurate.” 

6. Is The Product Bottled in Dark Tinted Glass, Clear Glass, or Plastic?

Why is the color of the container important to the quality of your black seed oil?

"Using dark-tinted glass bottles, such as amber or cobalt blue glass, provides optimum protection of the oil, preventing deterioration from UV rays from sunlight exposure, and retaining the aromatic and therapeutic properties of the oil much longer than clear glass". - Ed suggests.

Also, oil oxidizes much more rapidly in plastic, making glass the better choice for a longer shelf life of your oil. 

"Glass is more costly than plastic for manufacturers,”  

7. Did the Manufacturer Guarantee Your Black Seed Oil?

Check the label and product information on the Black Seed Oil you are thinking about buying. Is there a satisfaction guarantee?

A reputable company will always be glad to stand behind its products, wanting their customers to receive the absolute best quality and effectiveness for their health and wellness.

“At Mother Nature Organics,” Ed affirms, “We stand behind our products with a 100% money-back guarantee. Our commitment to our customers is our #1 priority ...

... Our integrity to provide the best products available on the market has been our mission statement and heartfelt conviction since we opened the company!”

Ed advises that people check the black seed oil reviews when purchasing to find out how customers have been treated by the manufacturer, and how they feel about the product they have received.

Now that you know what to look for, you are ready to start enjoying the benefits of Black Seed Oil!

The bottled oil is great for adding to smoothies and shakes, salad dressings, sauces, and just swallowing from the spoon!

It can even be massaged into the skin and scalp for nourishing and rejuvenating benefits.

Capsules are a great way to make sure you get black seed oil with your daily vitamins and minerals. They are in measured doses, easy to digest, and convenient to take along to work or for travel.

However, you choose to take your daily dose, be sure to add this wonderful supplement to your nutritional plan! You’ll be so glad you did!


Black Seed Oil Indian
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