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The Need for Supplements: Fact or Fiction?

The Need for Supplements: 

Fact or Fiction? 

Dr. Ernesto Medina, DC

Bay Are Health and Wellness Center

There has been constant controversy over the years in the medical community as to whether supplements are truly needed to achieve health. Their general consensus is no, supplements are not needed and often discouraged from being used despite the overwhelming amount of scientific research showing their benefits in supporting the immune system, cardiovascular health, prenatal and fetal development, anxiety, depression, and boosting overall brain health just to name a few.  For a more in-depth dive into the scientific research surrounding natural supplements, you can check out Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s work. 

So, what is the low down on supplements?

As a functional clinician that works with metabolically sick patients on a regular basis, I can tell you most people in the U.S. and most likely the world, suffer from nutritional deficiencies that are not being met from their diet alone. I also work with healthy competitive athletes who come to see me to optimize their performance and recovery.  They too often suffer from nutritional deficiencies they are unaware of.   


The absence of sickness or symptoms does not mean one is nutritionally healthy. Symptoms often occur as a late-stage warning sign that something is wrong.  You can optimize health and vitality by embracing a healthy lifestyle revolving around healthy organic eating, exercise, healthy sleep hygiene and targeted supplements for your needs and goals. For more details on that you can visit Dr. Mark Hyman’s blog. Dr. Hyman is a functional medical doctor and a very outspoken advocate of using nutrition and supplements to combat chronic diseases.  We will get more into boosting health, longevity and fighting chronic conditions in future posts. 

There are many reasons why your primary care likely doesn’t discuss or even discourages the use of natural supplements.  The bottom line is medical schools do not teach nutrition or how to use nutraceuticals and natural supplements to fight disease.  If they do teach a course in nutrition it is minimal and largely outdated information.  The failure of medical institutions to teach extensive and updated nutrition information is something Dr. Hyman speaks extensively about in his blogs


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Why doesn’t my primary care doctor discuss supplements with me?

If a medical professional is not trained in the use of something, how can they make recommendations on it and how can they be updated on the latest scientific research on the topic?  On the flip side, how can they also discourage its use?  If they simply said they didn’t know and can’t advise on the topic, I think it would create a lot less confusion and hesitation around the topic.

Conventional medical practitioners are trained in pharmacology.    

Pharmacology is the use of patented, laboratory created medications to manage symptoms caused by some underlying root cause.  These medications often don’t address the root cause, they are designed by nature to manage the symptoms.  That is not all medications of course.

Antibiotic use in cases of infection can be absolutely essential and lifesaving.  The over prescription of antibiotics however, which has happened in this country over the last 30+ years, leads to the development of new, antibiotic resistant strains of infection that no longer respond to antibiotic medications.    

In response to this, the conventional medical system develops newer, more powerful antibiotics that will inevitably lead to the same result over time.  

Instead, we can look to natural plant-based supplements that can work as natural antimicrobials to kill of bacterial and fungal overgrowth issues and bring better long-term balance to our natural bacterial microbiome.  

What can natural supplements do for me right now?

We can call on natural supplements to support our natural immune defenses so that our body can more naturally combat infections on its own and be more resilient.  At the beginning of this 2019 pandemic, I created an entire webinar filled with scientific research articles on how someone could help improve resiliency of their immune system against infections using natural supplements.  You can find that webinar here.     

One year into the pandemic and the conventional medical community and the media still has not publicly spoken about how supplements can help with infection.  There has been only mild publicity around vitamin D and Vitamin C use for Covid patients despite the overwhelming amount of research showing increased risk of hospitalization and mortality with low levels of Vitamin D.

Chris Kresser, a functional medicine practitioner and founder of the Kresser Institute did an excellent write up summarizing the research findings of the most recent published study supporting the use of natural Vitamin D to help Covid patients and decrease the burden in hospital ICUs.   

Consider Mother Nature Organics as your source for the most naturally sourced, organic supplements.     



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