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When it Comes to Food Choices, Quality Does Matter

Our environment is changing with our increasing population and industry. In the past, our farmlands were allowed to rest for a season between plantings, and crops were rotated to ensure the nutrients in the soil were continually replenished. Today, increased demand means that fields are overworked, resulting in depleted soil quality. Other factors like pollution, pesticides and genetically modified seeds (GMOs) also diminish the quality of the food that reaches our table. As people are awakening to their need for higher nutrition and better healthy choices, companies are gradually making changes to meet that demand! So, we have options! One choice is to plant your own garden to know what you are eating, while another is to find local organic farms or farmer’s markets in your area. Find your community of people who are interested in sustainability. More supermarkets are also getting on board with making organic produce and packaged goods available. Adding superfoods and supplements can take nutrition to the next level, adding a power-packed supply of  nutrients that give a boost to the daily diet.


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