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5 daily practices to enhance your wellbeing

5 daily practices to enhance your wellbeing

Let’s face it; when you feel good, you look great. But too often our daily routines are filled with stressors that steal energy and make us feel tired (and often unhealthy). So, how can we get a little extra oomph in our day even if we don’t have time for an hour-long yoga or gym session???

Well, take heart – a few small changes to develop these healthy habits can make all the difference. Whether it’s taking time to meditate, getting enough sleep or simply putting on something that makes us feel pretty, these little rituals can have big payoffs for your health and happiness. Here are just five of them:

1. Take a few minutes to meditate 

Even if you’re short on time, meditation can be as simple as finding a quiet place to close your eyes and breathe deeply for five or 10 minutes each day. This is an incredibly powerful way to clear your mind and relax your body in the midst of a hectic schedule – and it doesn’t have to require complicated props or lotus position.

Alternatively using a mindfulness app can center your awareness  and help you feel energized and well-rested. There are many different mindfulness apps available on the market, such as Headspace – these apps can be used anytime, anywhere.

Meditation can help you feel more balanced and grounded, which in turn can lead to a greater sense of wellbeing. So if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed by your day and all it requires of you, consider taking some time out each day to meditate or use a mindfulness app for a quick mental and emotional reboot.

2. Get enough sleep

Even if you’re short on time, meditation can be as simple as finding a quiet place to close your eyes and breathe deeply for five or 10 minutes each day. This is an incredibly powerful way to clear your mind and relax your body in the midst of a hectic schedule – and it doesn’t have to require complicated props or lotus position.

If you find yourself yawning throughout the day and can’t seem to finish your work, chances are that you need more rest – not just a cup of coffee! Getting at least eight hours of quality sleep each night will help increase your focus and productivity, as well as your overall health. So, turn off the TV or your device at least an hour before bedtime.

Establish a sleep time ritual so you body and mind can start to unwind from the activities of the day. Look into some natural remedies for insomnia if you’re having trouble sleeping such as magnesium or tart cherry.

3. Spend time in nature

Connecting with nature is healing, relaxing and rejuvenating. Whether you spend time gardening, walking in the park or simply sitting on your back porch or balcony, nature is always a great place to find a little peace and calm.

If you live in a city, look into some outdoor yoga classes that are often held in parks and other green spaces. Or try spending just five minutes each day in a tree pose or plank to feel grounded and balanced.

A few minutes in nature can be as simple as sitting on your patio and enjoying the fresh air, taking a walk through the park, watching the sunrise or sunset or even just stepping outside to catch some rays and breathe in some floral scent. Even if you live in the city, there’s likely a nearby green space where you can go to unwind, clear your mind and enjoy the healing properties of nature.

Or you could spend some time in the garden , where you can tend the soil, weed, plant seedlings and beautify the space around you.

The energy of nature is invigorating and refreshing – not to mention it’s free!

4. Hydrate

Drink plenty of water. It sounds simple enough, but most of us don’t drink nearly enough water throughout the day – leaving our bodies feeling sluggish and fatigued. Try to get in six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, or more if you’re active or live in a warm climate. Your kidneys and brain will thank you for it.

5. Take some time for yourself

Each day when you are busy trying to meet deadlines and meet other people's needs, having time for yourself can be an important way to avoid burnout and maintain your happiness. Whether it is a few minutes of meditation, taking a bath or reading a book, taking care of yourself with some "me time" can have significant benefits for your mental health and well-being.

So don’t be afraid to make some time in your day to pamper yourself.

Other ideas for time to yourself include some quiet time to chill and collect your own thoughts, going for a walk outside, gratitude journaling. Taking some time for yourself can help you de-stress and focus on the positive things in your life.

Try to make this a regular part of your day – even if it’s just for five minutes each morning or evening for yourself – so you can recharge and be more productive.

As you can see, there are many simple changes that you can make to your daily routine in order to boost your health and wellbeing. So go ahead and give these daily practices a try – you might be surprised at how good they really do make you feel!

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