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6 Top-Rated Hacks to Deal With Acne Naturally


6 Top-Rated Hacks to Deal With Acne Naturally


Acne is quite a common skin condition. Research shows that more than 80% of people will get acne breakouts at least in their lives, although skin breakouts are more common in people aged 11 to 30 years.

What is Acne?

Acne vulgaris is the medical term for the presence of any pimple, blackhead, or whitehead on the skin. These commonly occur on the face, chest, and back, although they too can be found on any other part of the body.

What causes acne? 

Your skin comprises three layers – the epidermis, the dermis, and deep subcutaneous tissue.

Typical case scenario, your skin is host to many bacteria, many of which are part of the normal flora. Many of these bacteria help fight off harmful bacteria from invading the skin. 

In addition, your skin has thousands of pores and glands with dedicated functions. These glands can get clogged by dirt and debris, running a steeper risk of infection and inflammation by bacteria.

So, when you develop acne, bacteria infiltrate blocked glands and hair follicles, forming painful and often irritating bumps known as pimples. 

Typically, acne is a teenage problem and does not persist beyond 25-30 years. But just because you are past this critical age, it doesn't mean you are out of the woods.

5 interesting facts about acne

1. Acne is the most common skin condition.

The Academy of Dermatology estimates that 40-50% of Americans will have experienced acne by the end of puberty. 

Even though the risk is highest in teens, acne equally affects people of all ages. More than 80% will thus be affected by acne breakouts by the time they hit 30 years.

2.- There are different types of acne

Blackheads are bumps on the skin that appear darker than your skin tone. They're open and accumulate dirt while also reacting with air giving them a darker hue.

On the other hand, whiteheads form on intact skin; they take an almost similar gradient of your skin tone or white in most cases.

Other common variations include papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

3. Some foods raise the risk of acne breakouts

A recent publication reinforces certain notions about acne in the scientific community:

First, diets rich in sugars were identified to increase the possibility of acne. Such include carbonated drinks, fast foods, pastries from highly refined flours, some varieties of fatty foods, and more. 

Second, no direct association was found between dairy and acne. However, yogurt and milk may be beneficial for people with acne. 

Finally, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits was recommended to enhance skin health and integrity. However, the benefit is still a gray area.

4. Emotional stress can worsen acne.

In a prospective study, stress is mentioned as an exacerbating factor. Physicians found that subjects with a higher perceived stress rating similarly showed more severe skin lesions on the initial contact. And this was despite changes in diet and sleep habits, too.

5. Washing alone may not heal acne breakouts

Many people assume that acne can be managed by exfoliating and aggressive skin washing. 

Remember that your skin's normal flora comprises beneficial bacteria that ward off harmful and disease-causing bacteria. Therefore, if you excessively scrub, you increase the risk of colonization by harmful bacteria. 

Effective treatment is through medications and skin ointments prescribed by your GP to prevent skin from drying out.

What are the symptoms of acne?

Acne typically appears on the face, shoulders, chest, and back, though it can occur on any part of the body. Some manifestations include:

·         Blackheads and whiteheads 

·         Crusting of skin 

·         Papules – tiny red bumps 

 ·         Pustules – small breakouts with pus 

 ·         Acne scars 

 ·         Red skin around lesions

What to do when you have acne

Acne typically appears on the face, shoulders, chest, and back, though it can occur on any part of the body. Some manifestations include:

Do you feel you have done everything possible to alleviate acne breakouts, but nothing seems to work? You are not alone. 

Many people live countrywide with this skin disease, just like you. 

You are not alone! 

When all else seems to fail, try these natural coping tips:

1. Wash your face twice each day.

Acne typically appears on the face, shoulders, chest, and back, though it can occur on any part of the body. Some manifestations include:

Override any temptation to wash your skin more than two times every day. Acne-prone skin is quite sensitive, and overcleaning can aggravate your symptoms. 

Instead, wash your skin not more than two times each day – in the morning after waking up and before bed. 

You can add a third wash after exercising. Remember that strenuous activity increases oil and sweat production that can clog pores. 

In addition, there are products to keep clear of, including some face scrubs, cleansers, soaps, and shampoos that your doctor will recommend. Some are known to irritate the skin.

2. Avoid anything that aggravates your skin

Many skin products – sunscreen, styling products, and makeup – can inflame the skin. 

However, there are select products that don't increase the risk of acne. On the label, look out for the following terms: 

·         Oil-free 

·         Non-comedogenic 

·         Non-acnegenic 

Because most cosmetic products can lead to or worsen acne, use those less likely to irritate your skin. 

In the future, if you are looking to use cosmetic products, first talk with your GP to find what works best for you to improve the control of any breakouts.

3. Don't stay too long in the sun

In case you didn't know, the sun is one of the leading causes of skin damage due to sunburns. 

Here's why; 

The sun emits two ultraviolet (UV) rays; UV-A and UV-B. Leaving your skin exposed for too long leads to redness and inflammation, especially by UV-B. 

The key talking point is that UV rays promote acne formation.

Therefore, protect your skin by using recommended sunscreen and wearing long-sleeved clothing, capes, and shades when going outdoor. 

Furthermore, some skin products are photosensitive, meaning they react with sunlight and cause skin irritation. Talk with your doctor if you are in doubt about any product.

4. Do not pop or manipulate acne-prone areas

Do not disturb or pop any whitehead, blackhead, or pimple as a rule of thumb. 

Manipulating any lesion can worsen the inflammation apart from enhancing the formation of acne scars. Acne scars are dark areas of skin that form from the inappropriate handling of acne.

Additionally, it will work best for you if your eruptions get examined by a doctor who will decide the best way forward. 

Try this simple DIY to soothe irritating and inflamed spots – use a cold compress like icepacks to relieve inflammation.

5. Revamp your diet

In the scientific sphere, it is accepted that some foods influence acne. Here are the highlights of a 2021 study

 ·         A fruit and vegetable-rich diet offers many benefits. However, the effect of such a diet considering acne is still gray. Still, some researchers recommend them for improving skin health. 

 ·         Reducing fats and processed food goes a long way. You may have to eliminate refined carbohydrates, carbonated drinks, fast foods, and processed meats. Essentially, opt for food with a low glycemic load. 

 ·         The impact of dairy products on acne is mixed. On the one hand, preliminary studies recommend desisting on some milk products like ice cream because they can exacerbate acne. But on the other hand, scant evidence shows that probiotics found in yogurt and fermented dairy could be beneficial. 

In summary, how you eat can impact your skin's natural sheen and glow.

6. Be sure to see your doctor if:

·         Scars develop on your acne 

·         Dark spots appear 

·         You have a non-remitting and distressful ulcer that doesn't resolve with conservative measures and OTC medication.

Beyond the promise of quick relief, you should know that treatment does not work overnight. You will have to use some products that your GP, or dermatologist, will recommend for months or even years.

When you notice an improvement in your symptoms, keep using the treatment. This will prevent new breakouts from keeping your skin healed and revitalized.

3 Natural Products for Skin Care:

Whether you are affected by acne breakouts or scars, there are some unique ways to improve your skin's health! 

Many of you know the hype and pizzazz around natural supplements. Building along that line, some products are linked to enhanced skin texture.


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Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is extracted from the fruit of the rose haw, AKA rosehip plant. Some studies associate it with potent anti-inflammatory effects making natural extracts a popular nutraceutical for skin health. 

Additionally, it is packed with vitamin C, which may be helpful, especially when you are suffering from skin conditions. 

Vitamin C alleviates skin inflammation in two ways. First, it promotes skin repair, and second, it may prevent sun damage from harmful UV rays. 

Scientists think that rosehip oil may be beneficial for people with acne. Recent studies show that products with rosehip oil can also facilitate the clearing of acne scars.

Jojoba Oil

Many facial cosmetic products contain jojoba oil as it's rich in minerals and vitamins that offer additional support for skin health. 

Furthermore, studies link jojoba oil to the following advantages: 

·         Anti-aging 

·         Anti-inflammatory

·         Moisturizer 

·         Antibacterial 

Jojoba oil has potential benefits and is frequently recommended for people with acne. A 2012 study mentions jojoba oil-based face masks for the possible alleviation of acne and acne scars.

Activated Charcoal

Charcoal has been in use for thousands of years owing to its medical value. It can flush out germs and bacteria from the skin in its purest form. 

Those with acne-prone skin may benefit from having charcoal in their skincare routine because it absorbs dirt, oil, and debris that fuel the progression of acne. 

However, it would be best to be careful when using activated charcoal as a face scrub. 

While it is a potent antimicrobial agent, it can absorb excess moisture from the skin, leaving it dry and chaffed. 

Overall, activated charcoal has potential benefits against acne and can be used to exfoliate dead skin to revitalize your skin's appearance. 

That said, activated charcoal masks and moisturizers can be used for a long time without adverse effects. Our personal favorite is the Bio-Charged Activated Charcoal which is safe for flushing toxins off your skin.

Here's one activated charcoal-based scrub/face mask recipe:

This activated charcoal DIY recipe is pure and straightforward. You will need;

·         ½ cup sugar 

·         Four tablespoons of honey or olive oil 

·         ½ tablespoon of bio-charged activated charcoal 

·         Four drops of essential oils, like, jojoba oil, grapefruit, and rosehip.

How to prepare 

1.      Add all ingredients into a bowl and mix with a wooden spoon until you form a thick, even lump-free paste. 

2.      Transfer to a jar and keep it sealed.

How to use 

Scoop and massage the paste on any part of your body that need exfoliating. However, when it comes to the face, use it as a face mask to avoid unnecessary friction and abrasions that can worsen acne. 

Wash off with warm water and a soft cloth as desired. 

Apply 2-3 times a week for the best outcome.

In a nutshell

Although there are many variants of acne, like whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples, these can be successfully managed at home using a wide range of nutraceuticals and DIY tips. 

Remember to have distressful lesions examined by a dermatologist. They will optimize treatment according to your presentation and skin type. 

Never delay seeking treatment. Reach out to your GP when you have concerns about the direction you will take for your skincare.

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