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Discover The Benefits of Coq10





Why is EVERYBODY talking about this supplement?

Have you seen it on some shelves and you have wondered what it is, and what it is used for? 

 There are so many questions that probably you are curious to get answers. Welcome to the CoQ10 Ultimate Guide!

The truth is that the name does not tell us much and it seems more like a complicated chemical formula. In this blog we are going to LEARN: -What is CoQ10.

-What is CoQ10 -What does CoQ10 Do? 

-How does COQ10 work? -Importance of C0Q10 

-Why is there a lack of COQ10? 

-COQ10 Benefits 

-What foods have COQ10? 

-How much COQ10 should I take? 

-Is COQ10 safe?

Science Translation: 

"This Means that if you are taking statin medication, like blood pressure... it’s messing up with your COQ10 production.  That messes up your liver folks."

1. What is COQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 is what we know as CoQ10, which is a compound that the body elaborates naturally. 

This is found in most tissues of the body, mainly in the heart, liver, kidney and pancreas. It is also known as Q10, vitamin Q10, or ubiquinone, because it is present in almost all cells (it is ubiquitous). 

Ubiquinol is the reduced and active form of Coenzyme Q10. A coenzyme is a small organic molecule that helps an enzyme be effective. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body's cells.

2. What Does COQ10 Do?

The body's cells use CoQ10 or ubiquinone to produce the energy they need to grow and stay healthy. 

CoQ10 helps the mitochondria to produce energy by penetrating it.

The body also uses the Coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant, very similar to vitamins. 

An antioxidant protects cells from the highly reactive chemicals called free radicals that damage cells.

3. How Does C0Q10 Work?

Coenzyme CoQ10 helps the mitochondria to produce energy by penetrating them.

“Mitochondria are responsible for powering the body’s cells. To do this, they use CoQ10 to produce the chemical adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

This process is known as ATP synthesis. ATP is the primary source of energy for the body’s cells.” – Medical News Today


4. Importance of C0Q10 

The presence of Coenzyme Q10 is important for good health and necessary to convert the energy from carbohydrates and lipids into energy usable by cells. 

In addition, the Co10 is important to protect cells, tissues and organs from the oxidative and damaging action of free radicals. 

A lack of 25% of the total CoQ10 that the body should have, can cause serious problems in organs that require extra energy for their proper functioning. Imbalances begin to occur in the body such as increase of blood pressure, heart attacks, weakened immune system, lack of energy, and many others. "A 75% decrease of CoQ10 is incompatible with life".

5. Why is There a Lack of COQ10?

The human body naturally produces Coenzyme Q10 that is required for cell function. However, CoQ10 decreases in tissues as people age.

But in addition to aging, CoQ10 decreases due to nutritional deficiencies, diseases, stress or the use of various drugs.

Some people with chronic diseases such as heart conditions, muscular dystrophies, Parkinson's disease, cancer, diabetes, and HIV / AIDS have low levels of CoQ10.

According to studies, some commonly used drugs destroy Coenzyme Q10, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidiabetics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antihypertensives, etc.

Also, the practice of exercise increases energy consumption. Therefore, increases the requirement of COQ10 needed for your body.

6. C0Q10 Benefits: 

What is CoQ10 good for? As already mentioned, some factors can lead us to have a CoQ10 deficit in our body. Fortunately, we can also get CoQ10 through supplements or food.  

Health benefits when CoQ10 is supplied on a regular basis include: 

Helps treat heart failure. 

Some research has shown the relationship between Coenzyme Q10 and optimal heart health. In a study of 420 people with heart failure, treatment with CoQ10 for two years decreased their symptoms and lowered the risk of dying from heart problems. 

Helps in fertility.

As the presence of CoQ10 decreases as we age, the body is less effective in protecting eggs and sperm from oxidative damage.   

CoQ10 for women:  Q10 supplementation seems to help and even reverse this age-related reduction.   

CoQ10 for men: Several studies have concluded that supplementation with Q10 can improve the quality, activity, and concentration of sperm.

Reduces headaches 

Abnormal mitochondrial function can lead to migraines. Studies show that CoQ10 improves mitochondrial function and helps decrease inflammation that occurs during migraines. 

Improve performance 

CoQ10 supplementation may help improve performance by decreasing oxidative stress in cells and improving mitochondrial functions (It oxygenates tissues). 

Against cancer 

If the body is not able to deal with oxidative damage effectively, the structure of our cells could be damaged, possibly increasing the risk of cancer. Cancer patients are also known to have lower levels of CoQ10. 

Protect the brain 

Total mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to brain cell death and diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.  

According to a study, CoQ10 can reduce harmful compounds, which leads to slow the progression of Alzheimer's. 

Slows aging 

According to a study, supplementing the diet with Q10 has an antioxidant effect that helps delay the aging process. 

Strengthens the immune system 

Experimental studies with animals have shown that this coenzyme improves the body's natural defenses and helps it in protecting against certain infections. 

Helps PCOS 

Studies indicate that supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an excellent alternative to improve their metabolism.


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What Foods Have COQ10?

Most of Coenzyme Q10 is generated naturally by the body. But as the years go by, there is a decrease in the production of this substance. 

Supplementation and meal planning often help combat this decline. 

Among the foods that contribute to raise Q10 levels are:


  • Fatty fish or shellfish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, herring or mackerel. "The American Heart Association recommends eating about 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of cooked fatty fish at least twice a week. These foods also provide Omega 3, healthy for the heart".
  • Chicken meat and, to a greater extent, in red meat. Better prepared grilled or boiled than fried.
  • Nuts like pistachios; and seeds like sesame seeds.
  • Soybean and canola oil.
  • Vegetables such as raw spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. 
  • Legumes such as peas, lentils. Tofu and other derivatives of soybeans. 
  • Fruits such as oranges and strawberries. 


How Much COQ10 Should I Take?

Scientific studies so far have not determined the exact amount of Q10 provided by the diet. 

The CoQ10 supplements generally contain between 30 and 100 mg, being the optimal Coenzyme Q10 dosage. Larger amounts are not absorbed by our body.

Is COQ10 Safe?

Coenzyme Q10 is highly safe when taken as a dietary supplement.

"No serious side effects of CoQ10 have been reported. Mild side effects such as insomnia or digestive upsets may occur". – National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

If you suffer from any medical condition, before taking this or any dietary supplement, you should always consult your doctor.

Supplements could interact with blood-thinning drugs or could not be indicated in specific cases.

When To Take COQ10?

To obtain therapeutic or preventive effects, a supplement of 30-50 mg a day can be taken from the age of 40.

COQ10 is a safe supplementation, since there are no known negative side effects at these doses, but a nutritionist can specify the most appropriate dose for each person depending on the case.


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