Hello. My name is Dr. Medina, and I specialize in something called Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine focuses on the use of diet, nutrition, targeted supplementation and lifestyle changes to improve underlying root causes of chronic disease.
Unfortunately, Functional Medicine doctors are often a last resort when conventional medicine can’ t seem to figure out what’s wrong. One area of special interest to me is the area of Neurology and brain health.
Have you ever heard of brain fog or mental fatigue? Maybe you’ve never heard of the term brain fog, but have noticed you’ve been struggling with declining focus and mental clarity? You may even be finding yourself less and less productive and unable to learn new things over the years and are just attributing it to old age. These are all common concerns that come up with my clients and no, it is not necessarily a normal part of aging. It is a sign of decreased brain function and a decreased frequency of firing among brain cells. It is an early warning sign that something is not working properly in the brain.
Take a short 10 question brain health questionnaire below to see if you are having signs of declining brain health.
If you answered YES to any of the above, you may have underlying risk factors for poor brain health. Brain fog can also contribute to physical fatigue, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) like behaviors and depression. If left unchecked, chronic brain fog will eventually lead to dying off of brain cells and a further decline in mental function such as short term memory loss and decreased processing speeds
Prior to COVID, a common problem that would arise with trying to find help with brain fog is that it is a subjective concept. It is a feeling that you are becoming cognitively slower compared to your feeling of normal and this is very hard for healthcare providers to measure and quantify. There is also no real diagnosis of brain fog that exists, and therefore often gets pushed aside and ignored, or simply attributed to stress. This is a huge problem because as stated before, if left unattended it can progress into worsening of memory and in later stages can resemble dementia.
Interestingly, there has been a recent increasing desire to know more about brain fog and fatigue by the general lay person (that’s you) as they are both classic symptoms of many COVID long haulers. COVID long haulers are those individuals who continue to have lingering COVID infection symptoms weeks and even months after infection. An article from WebMD written October 2021 states:
“Patients treated for COVID-19 still had high rates of brain fog on average of more than 7 months after diagnosis.”
The most common long hauler symptoms according to the National Institutes of Health media advisory report from November 2021 are fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, sleep disorder, fevers, anxiety and depression.
This has led to an increasing awareness of brain fog and coining of the new term COVID-19 brain fog which you can find described in detail in this article from Harvard Medical School.
As of now, conventional medicine does not seem to have much to offer or even have an explanation for the symptoms of brain fog and fatigue.
Over the last few years I have worked with many clients struggling for years with brain fog. It can be a very complex issue with multiple underlying contributing factors and two people with brain fog can have completely different underlying risk factors causing their symptoms. Only through a specific individualized evaluation investigating lifestyle habits, food choices, eating habits, sleep quality, healthy history and exercise can someone begin to understand their underlying contributing risk factors and begin to work at correcting them.
However, there are basic principles of proper brain function that apply to everyone. They are the fundamental building blocks every single brain cell needs to operate. Everyone must have a solid understanding of the essential building blocks if they want to lift the fog that is clouding their mind.
The fundamentals are: maximizing oxygen circulation, having a study supply of sustainable energy for the brain, constant activation of the brain and minimizing neuro-inflammation.
Mother Nature Organics has a number of proven products to help improve and maximize these basic fundamentals needed for healthy brain function. Ashwagandha and the Adrenal Super Tonic help improve adrenal fatigue and can improve oxygen delivery to the brain. Black seed oil, Omega EPA + DHA, Liposomal Glutathione and Curcumin can help manage neuro-inflammation in the brain. BHB exogenous ketones can improve energy utilization throughout the body and brain by focusing on using fat as energy instead of glucose. Golden Mind liquid tonic has a good overall blend of herbal products to help with all the essential needs of brain cells.
In addition to supplement support for improving brain fog symptoms, ensuring healthy lifestyle habits will also help lay a solid foundation for healthy brain function. The essentials for a healthy functioning brain are:
- Deep restful night time sleep that allows you to wake up feeling energized and refreshed.
- 15-20 min of direct sunlight for optimizing vitamin D levels.
- A diet with sufficient protein and healthy fat that minimizes processed carbohydrates.
- Eating enough calories to sustain energy levels throughout the day without depending on caffeine.
- At least 30 min of moderately intense exercise daily.
While I can’t get into all the details and specifics surrounding brain cell physiology and how to assess what your individual risk factors are, my experiences over the years have motivated me to develop an online, self paced masterclass.
My class offers a better understanding of brain fog, learning about the underlying contributing factors that can lead to it, a self assessment questionnaire to identify your personal contributors to brain fog and how to address them in your life. You can regain mental clarity and focus once brain fog is understood. Becoming mentally slower does NOT have to be part of normal aging. Click below to find out more about my “Fixing Your Brain Fog” Master Class. Don’t let the fog control your life and your brain.
Checkout The Master Class: “Fixing Your Brain Fog".
If this content resonates with you and if you reside in Texas (Mother Nature Organics Headquarters) and you have been struggling with chronic, unrelenting brain fog and would like a more personalized evaluation, you can visit my website at http://trueintegrativehealth.com/ and email me to schedule a free 30 min consultation.
Ernesto has been in clinical practice since 2012. He graduated from Life Chiropractic College West and went right into clinical practice. Currently, he is a member of the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation and is currently completing a clinical mastership program through The Kharrazian Institute.
- Anatomy and Central Neurological Pathways
- Peripheral Vestibular Disorders and Cerebellum Disorders with Applications
- Central Vestibular and Cerebellum Disorders with Applications
- Neurology Eye Movements for Diagnosis and Treatment Applications
- Basal Ganglia and Hypokinetic Disorders with Applications
- Neuroinflammation Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications
- Autoimmunity Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications
- Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications
- Diabetes and Dysglycemia Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications
- Infertility, Prenatal Care, Maternal Health Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications
- Mastering the Thyroid
- Mastering Brain Chemistry
- Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry
- Functional Endocrinology
1.- Post COVID Brain Fog: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20211025/brain-fog-months-covid